Adrien Skrzypczak

Full-Stack Software Engineer

You can also find me on


Hello, I'm Adrien,

a Full-Stack Software Engineer

I have ~10 years of experience in different languages and platforms, but a longer affinity for Computer Science.

I'm working with multiples Front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, Typescript and its latest friends (NodeJS, Angular, React, Next.JS, Express, ...)

Also proficient with C#, working with .Net Core, SQL Server and Oracle.

Currently digging into Go Language, I've also worked with PHP, Python, Java, ...

Very Curious and Interested in new technologies, I love Learning, Discovering, and Building things.

I focus on developing Quality and Functional products.


Some Client Projects, Side Projects and Experiments

Discord Soundboard

Discord Web Soundboard

Web app built with React, Redux, Passport, Node.js, Express, Socket.IO and PostgreSQL. It provides a live interactive web interface to upload and play sounds into Discord voice channels.

  • React
  • Redux
  • Passport
  • Node.JS
  • Express
  • Socket.IO
  • SASS
  • PostgreSQL
  • Knex
  • Redis


A singleplayer SPA Battleships game created with Create-react-app

  • Javascript
  • React
  • SASS


My professional resume in PDF format

PDF Resume
